:Our rental center is open Monday – Friday, 7am-5:00pm and on Saturday, 8am-12pm. We are closed on Sundays.
Pleasanton Rental Store is located in Pleasanton KS 45 minutes south of Overland Park, on Kansas Highway 69. Gardner Rental Store is located in Gardner KS on West Main St, 4 miles west of I35.
Rental Center in Pleasanton, KS Gardner, KS
Adam Clark Scott Sparks
Store Manager Store Manager
11231 Trucker Rd 556 W Main St
Pleasanton, KS 66075 Gardner, KS 66030
913-352-6800 phone 913-574-7270 phone
Need Driving Directions? CLICK HERE
Corporate Offices in Olathe, KS
15795 S. Mahaffie St.
Olathe, KS 66062
913-397-9911 phone
913-397-9988 fax